Link Amazon Alexa with Spruce
- Enable the skill from the Amazon store
- Open the Amazon Alexa app and go to “Skills”
- Search for Spruce
- Enable the skill and link your account with your Spruce account credentials
- Say to Alexa “Alexa, open Spruce”
- Go to the Alexa app Home Page
- Find the card displaying “Spruce – Account Setup”
- Link your account with your Spruce account credentials
Command format you can say to Amazon Echo:
"Alexa, launch Spruce" Alexa will respond with several options "Alexa, tell Spruce {to turn on zone 1 for minutes}" tell and ask are interchangeable "Alexa, ask Spruce {when the last schedule ran?}" tell and ask are interchangeable
Command list you can say to Amazon Echo:
Tip: use simple and unique names for each zone and schedule, multiple word names are acceptable
Individual zone commands:
"Alexa, tell Spruce to turn on zone" Alexa will return a list of zones "Alexa, tell Spruce to turn on zone 1 for 5 minutes" "Alexa, tell Spruce to turn on the {zone name} for 5 minutes" zone name set in Spruce app "Alexa, tell Spruce to turn on zone 1" Alexa will ask for how long? "Alexa, tell Spruce to turn on the {zone name}" Alexa will ask for how long? "Alexa, tell Spruce to water the {zone name}" Alexa will ask for how long? "Alexa, tell Spruce to turn off zone 1" "Alexa, tell Spruce to turn off the {zone name}"
Run all zones commands:
"Alexa, tell Spruce to water all zones for 5 minutes" "Alexa, tell Spruce to turn on all zones for 5 minutes" "Alexa, tell Spruce to water all zones" Alexa will ask for how long?
Schedule commands:
"Alexa, tell Spruce to start" Alexa will return a list of schedules "Alexa, tell Spruce to start the schedule {schedule name}" schedule name set in Spruce app "Alexa, tell Spruce to run the schedule named {schedule name}" "Alexa, tell Spruce to start a schedule" Alexa will list available schedules
Schedule pause, resume commands:
"Alexa, tell Spruce to pause the schedule" "Alexa, tell Spruce to pause the sprinklers" "Alexa, tell Spruce to pause watering for 1 hour" Specify how long before schedule resumes "Alexa, tell Spruce to resume the schedule" "Alexa, tell Spruce to restart the sprinklers" "Alexa, tell Spruce to continue watering"
Stop commands:
"Alexa, tell Spruce to stop watering" "Alexa, tell Spruce to stop the sprinklers" "Alexa, tell Spruce to turn off the sprinklers" "Alexa, tell Spruce to shut off the sprinklers"
Status commands:
"Alexa, ask Spruce when the last schedule ran?" "Alexa, ask Spruce when the next schedule will run?"