Dashboard weather and schedule overview
The Spruce App dashboard displays the predicted summary of the upcoming weather and watering schedule. The past and upcoming schedules sections give a clear and concise summary of past and predicted watering.
This gives the user a clear and easy to understand summary of what happened or what to expect.
Weather Forecast
The weather displayed is based on the local weather for your controllers location settings. The following attributes are displayed:
- Current weather and summary
- The time the forecast was updated. The weather can be updated by tapping the “refresh” symbol next to the update time.
- The 5 day forecast with high and low temperatures and a symbol that best described the weather expected
Past Schedules
Each schedule that is currently enabled is listed on a separate tile. The tile can be expanded by tapping on the tile, and displays the following information:
- Schedule name with the date and time the schedule last ran
- The start and finish time of the schedule
- A short summary of the actions taken
- A zone by zone breakdown of the action taken
Upcoming Schedules
Each schedule that is currently enabled is listed on a separate tile. The tile can be expanded by tapping on the tile, and displays the following information:
- Schedule name with the date and time the schedule is predicted to run
- The predicted start and finish time of the schedule
- A short summary of the predicted actions
- A zone by zone breakdown of the predicted actions