History for the Spruce Sensor is shown in the Sensor Data page in the WebApp, or, if connected to SmartThings, in the “Recently” Tab in the SmartThings App.

By default, the Spruce Sensor will sample data every 15 minutes. It will only record moisture, temperature, or battery when there is a change in respective data.
In general, moisture will only report a few times per day, and sometimes even less depending on conditions. This is because soil moisture is relatively constant, except when watered.
Moisture will increase rapidly when watered. Soil will slowly dry out, and you will see a change in moisture several times per day.
The temperature should report values much more frequently as the temperature varies throughout the day – typically several times per hour.
Indoor soil moisture should generally decrease slower than outdoors. Indoor temperature is generally very constant and you will only see a change every few hours.
See also: What is my target moisture level?