Export data


How to export data

The Spruce app does not have an export feature, however it is possible to get the data from the app using a few tricks in the Chrome browser.

Steps to export

  1. Login to the Spruce Web App
  2. Open the Chrome developer tools by going to the upper right corner of Chrome -> more tools -> developer tools
  3. Go to the Spruce Web App Analytics page
  4. Adjust the date range, using the options found in the gear menu in the upper right corner
  5. In the developer tools pane, go to Network and Preview
  6. Find the water_summary event and select it. There are several events with the same name and some will not have preview data, others will.
  7. You may now copy the data from the developer tools pane
  8. Paste it into JSON to CSV converter convertcsv.com
  9. Generate the data table by removing the dates from the JSON object and press the convert button
  10. Export a csv or xl data file

Click the image below to start the animation with step by step directions to export data

Click image to start demo

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