Password Recovery


It is not possible for Spruce support to give you your password. You must reset it following the steps outlined in this article.

How do I reset my Spruce App password

  1. Go to the Spruce app or from the Spruce web app
  2. Select Forgot Password option located in the list below the Sign In button
  3. Enter your username or email address that is associated with the account
  4. Check your email (and spam or junk folder) for a temporary password
  5. Go to the Spruce app or from the Spruce web app
  6. Login using your user name and temporary password
  7. Go to Account and About You
  8. Select Change Password
  9. Enter your Temporary Password where it asks for Current Password
  10. Enter a new password and confirm the new password and Update
Select Forgot Password to recover your password
Enter your username or email that is associated with the account
Check your email or spam folder for a temporary password
Log in with the temporary password, and go to Account, About me to update your password
Enter the temporary password which is your current password, then enter your new password

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